Market Manipulation in the Financial Crisis?
From The Trader has covered many of the market microstructure questions over the past months, that should concern many more. Majority of investors, managers, traders and others have...
View ArticleTime To Trim Q1 GDP Forecasts: Boehner Expects House To Reject Payroll Tax...
As we noted earlier, in his live statement, Boehner just said that the House will reject the Senate-proposed 2 month payroll tax extension, via BBG: HOUSE SPEAKER BOEHNER EXPECTS HOUSE TO DISAGREE WITH...
View ArticleBank of America Drops To $5.01; Lowest Since March 2009
As of minutes ago, BAC stock hit the nearly 3 year low value of $5.01 which immediately set off algorithmic defense programs, because as has been explained previously, should the stock trade under...
View ArticleWatch Mario Draghi Predict The Future
... Because when it comes to forecasting, central planners rock.
View ArticleMajor Real Estate Collapse In Europe? I've Found The EU Equivalent Of GGP,...
I've been renown for calling the housing crash in 2006-7 and the commercial real estate crash in 2007. Late in 2007, I penned a piece titled "The Commercial Real Estate Crash Cometh, and I know who...
View ArticleRon Paul Takes Lead In Iowa
When we learned on Saturday that the Des Moines Register, owned by Gannett - whose Chairman just happens to be a Private Equity firm head, and worked at Citigroup for most of her career, has endorsed...
View ArticleGuest Post: Jon Corzine, MF Global, And Unaccountability
Submitted by Nomi Prins Jon Corzine, MF Global, and Unaccountability In April 2007, former New Jersey governor, 'honorable', Jon Corzine had an altercation with a Garden State Parkway guardrail. A...
View ArticleThunder Road Report Update: "Dear Portfolio Manager, You Are Heading Into A...
Paul Mylchreest, author of the Thunder Road, releases his much anticipated latest report, and it's a doozy: "2012: Dear Portfolio Manager, you are leaving the capitalist sector and heading into a...
View ArticleGoldman's Take On Kim Jong-il's Demise
Following the sudden and surprising death of North Korea's "Dear Leader", many are wondering what this means for risk, especially in the Pacific rim. In other words, was last night's selloff warranted?...
View ArticleA Quick And Dirty Look At Japan's Nearly ¥1 Quadrillion In Debt
Scouring through the news screens, we nearly fell of the proverbial chair after reading the following Bloomberg headline paraphrasing a Nikkei report: "Japan May Buy Chinese Govt Bonds, Nikkei...
View Article2 Year Bond Auction Sees Lowest Foreign Interest Since February 2008
Following last week's stellar auctions, this week's issuance trio has started off with a whimper. While Tim Geithner managed to sell $35 billion in 2 year notes today at a near record low rate of...
View ArticleBill Gross Insinuates The ECB's Upcoming LTRO Is Merely A Shell Game
It is one thing for irreverent blogs to call a spade a spade an accuse the ECB of engaging in ponzi operations, such as Wednesday's LTRO where the European central bank will give local banks money and...
View ArticleNo Virginia, There is No Santa Claus Rally
Excerpts from this week's Stock World Weekly Last week's news continued to be dominated by stories of the eurozone debt crisis, rating agency downgrades, and political stresses everywhere. The capper...
View ArticleBank Of America: "Santa Is Not Coming", Sees 50% Chance Of Drop To 950
Forget the Santa rally, and pack up on parachutes. That is the advice of Bank of America's chief technician Mary Ann Bartels who in a note today writes: "Test of the October lows is underway – Santa is...
View ArticleParTY LiKe IT'S 1949
The world is running short of comic book "evil doers" you feel safer now? . . . .
View ArticleDemocrats: Here’s How to Force President Obama to Debate Endless War,...
We voted for Obama because we wanted change. We voted for Obama because he promised to end Bush’s perpetual wars, clean up the mess which Bush’s financial tzars made, and restore the freedom and...
View ArticleEurope Is Now Officially Bazooko's Circus - Italy To Provide €23.5 Billion In...
The EU was already embarrassed into releasing a press release that it could procure €150 billion in Eurozone contributions to the IMF rescue, now that the UK is out of the picture and the December 9...
View ArticleTwo More Not-So-Bullish Datapoints on ZAGG...
As a matter of practice, I make a concerted effort to keep an open mind and let the facts and data inform my opinions rather than vice versa (as some pundits/commentators/”analysts” seem to do). Seldom...
View ArticleBAC Breaks 4 Handle, Drags Entire Market Down
As definitive evidence just how fucked up this entire market is, here is what happens to the ES the second the infinite BAC Bid at $5.00 finally gets taken out. This is the ESH2. That's right - the...
View ArticleGallup Finds Unemployment Rises For Fourth Week In A Row, Cautions On BLS Data
Gallup, which unlike the BLS, does not fudge, Birth/Die, or seasonally adjust its data, has just released its most recent u(n)employment data. And it's not pretty: for all those hoping that the Labor...
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