The Gaping Trannie Spread
While we would be among the last to point out stock charts as an indicator of much significance in the New Normal, when the only thing that matters is how many trillion in liquidity the central banks...
View ArticleGuest Post: World Bank Wants Control Of The High Seas
Submitted by Brandon Smith from Alt-Market World Bank Wants Control Of The High Seas As a proponent of legitimate free markets, I am always up for a little creative entrepreneurship. However, there is...
View ArticleHow Much Is That Greek Doggy Worth In The PSI Window?
With the Greek government bonds (GGBs) and CDS basis package trading at its highest in six months (over 96% of Par) and GGBs trading below 20% of Par (compared to considerably higher 'expected'...
View ArticleName The Bubble
As the title suggests, please name the latest bubble: If you said student loans, you were correct. What is curious is that while virtually everyone has known about the student loan bubble in recent...
View ArticleBRaiN MaP oF THe EUROCRaT, TWO CHaRTs AND a DoWNLoaDaBle CaLeNDaR...
. . . Goldman sure knows how to screwIt's what they're paid billions to doAlthough there's a chartIt's more a black artHow they've managed to rape me and you THE LIMERICK KING Click...
View ArticleBank Bonds Bucking The Bullish Stock Trend
As the financials ETF, XLF, jumps from down 1.25% to up over 0.75% today, we note that credit markets for the major US banks are anything but exuberant. In the short-term, US bank credit remains...
View ArticleBrodsky On Buffet On Gold
We have repeatedly voiced our views on Buffett's relentless bashing of the only asset that is a guaranteed protection against now exponential currency debasement and central planner, and other PhD...
View ArticleCommodities Were So 2011: This Year It’s Tech’s Turn to Pop & (Maybe) Top
This article is by DoctoRx, the pseudonym of an investor with a very successful 30-year track record. This article and DoctoRx are from the Daily Capitalist. ***** Large IPOs often mark tops within...
View ArticleThe ‘High Oil Prices = Recession’ Fallacy
Every time we see oil prices go up we hear that it will cause inflation and/or the economy will go into the tank. ... 7 out of the 8 postwar U.S. recessions had been preceded by a sharp increase in the...
View ArticleDid Nowotny Just Take The Market's Punchbowl Away?
It should come as no surprise to readers as it has been long pointed out that the need (and expectation) for all "transitory" measures to become permanent and exponentially larger to maintain this...
View ArticleLTRO 2 102: Projected LTRO Take Up By Bank
Earlier today, we presented a Top-Down analysis via SocGen of Wednesday's ECB massive extended Discount Window operation, also known as the second 3 Year LTRO operation (whereby we once again remember...
View ArticleDow Jones Crosses 13,000 22 Times And... Closes Under
It was quite a day for retirement planners everywhere as the decisions to show up to work or not tomorrow have been on-again, off-again no less than 22 times today as the all-important Dow 13,000...
View ArticleIt's Official: S&P Cuts Greece To (Selective) Default From CC
Translation: Greece better have that PSI in the bag or else the "Selective" goes away and "Greece would face an imminent outright payment default." Our question for former Goldmanite and current ECB...
View ArticleBroad Risk-Off Day - Apart From Stocks
Today was another tale of two worlds as stocks outperformed everything as broadly speaking risk assets leaked notably lower post Europe's close and accelerated post Nowotny. Financials led the...
View ArticleThe PPT Must Have Thought We Had Moved To Daylight Savings
From Peter Tchir of TF Market Advisors The PPT Must Have Thought We Had Moved To Daylight Savings Time and left at 3pm after trying to ramp it up then. Weird day. The morning drop seemed overdone...
View ArticleGuest Post: Guess Who Folded Now
Submitted by Simon Black of Sovereign Man Guess Who Folded Now Banking privacy is dead. Completely, totally dead. Murdered, really. The US government is the assailant, and FATCA is the murder weapon....
View ArticleBuy Gold...schlager: Booze Inflation Highest In 20 Years
Americans can handle soaring rent, gas, and even food prices (all those thing that the Fed conveniently ignores) with the stoic patience of a Greek who welcomes 160 German tax collectors on his...
View ArticleThe Final Final Greek PSI Decision Tree
A few days ago, before the definitive Greek PSI term sheet was available, we presented the complete preliminary BNP PariBas decision which despite having some assumptions was almost spot on in its flow...
View ArticleGuest Post: The Post-2009 Northern & Western European Housing Bubble
Submitted by Jesse Colombo of The Bubble Bubble The Post-2009 Northern & Western European Housing Bubble Could Sweden or Finland be the scene of the next European financial crisis? It is actually...
View ArticleGerman Unemployment Obfuscation
Wolf Richter One of the hardest things to get in this world is a truthful, or at least a somewhat realistic, or at the very least a not totally fabricated unemployment number,...
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