Two Charts On The European Growth Dilemma
As the Germans ponder the truthiness of Greece's planned austerity measures it will perhaps come as a shock to many that since the start of the Euro (Dec 1998), Greece (followed closely by Spain and...
View ArticleGOP Finally Discovers Obama's Achilles Heel: Just Let Him Do What He Does......
Two weeks ago when discussing the latest lunacy surrounding America's exponential curve #1 also known as its debt balance, we suggested what the GOP election strategy should be: "[if] the debt ceiling...
View ArticleMarket Volume Hits Fresh Non-Holiday Decade Lows
Surrealer and Surrealer (sp.) is the only way to describe today's activity. With a technical halt in CME's oil complex trading which was quite obviously driven by some rogue algo between Oil futures...
Via Peter Tchir of TF Market Advisors, I have been struggling with two issues that I just can't make sense of. At the risk of coming across as a bigger geek than usual, I feel like the darn computer...
View Article"Uh, Marriner Eccles: We Have A Problem" - Obama Predicts He Will Breach Debt...
In light of the epic fiasco from last August, when the US debt ceiling hike became a 2 month televized affair, culminating with the GOP caving, but not before the S&P downgraded the US (and in the...
View ArticleEuropean Finance Ministers Cancel Meeting As "Not All Paperwork Is Done"
View ArticleJim Grant On Gold-Backed Bonds And 'The Hope Leeches'
James Grant, of Grant's Interest Rate Observer makes some thought-provoking statements in his must-listen Bloomberg Radio interview with Tom Keene today. While noting America's exceptionalism (h/t...
View ArticleThe Triumvirate of Wall Street/ The Fed/ and the White House is Beginning to...
The Obama administration, as it pursues re-election in 2012, is doing all it can to claim that the US economy is in fact not quite as bad as previously thought. One of the tactics is to massage GDP...
View ArticleJuncker Buries Hopes Of An "Imminent" Greek Deal, EURUSD Sliding
And the boot in the Greek face comes from Jean-Claude Juncker who obviously has his marching orders from Die Frau: Juncker: I did not yet receive the required political assurances from" Greek coalition...
View ArticleJanuary Gas Prices At All-Time Highs
Forget the weather, forget AAPL, forget American Idol, forget Greece, forget the Middle East, forget inventories, forget USD strength, forget the SPR, and forget the implicit tax cut we 'received' in...
View ArticlePictures From A Greek Soup Kitchen
While we mock and ridicule the corrupt and often times purposefully obtuse Greek politicians, we often ignore the human cost in the equation (and so does the rest of the world). Unfortunately this is...
View ArticleArt Cashin Explains What Happens To Those Who Stop Looking For Work
While the government propaganda machine chugs along and tells us to move along, there is nothing to see in the plunging labor participation rate, it is just 50 year olds pulling a Greek and retiring...
View ArticleIs It Proper Etiquette To Break Up With An SMS?
We noted the particular shift in Europe's sentiment toward Greece back in January, observing that ever since the "favorable" uptake of the LTRO (all of which has since been recycled and parked at the...
View ArticleMarket Spike Driven By Latest Bout Of Idiocy Out Of Greece
Wondering why the market just viagra'ed up to green on absolutely nothing? Here is the news from Reuters, with key words underlined: Greek conservative party leader Antonis Samaras is expected to...
View ArticleJeff Gundlach Live Webcast On "The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire"
The defining soundbite from the call Q&A: Regarding Bank of America - "It is wise to avoid banks. Not surprised BAC has gone up - just like NFLX - just like Italian bonds. Reduce risk right now,...
View ArticleGuest Post: Going Off Grid - Montana Style!
Submitted by Brandon Smith from Alt-Market Going Off Grid - Montana Style! The concept of off-grid living is often encumbered by numerous false assumptions and associations. Many think that to delve...
View ArticleOn FX
Want to see a completely wrong headline? Here’s mine from seven months ago: The “deal” that I was referring to in this piece was changed dramatically from the one that is being worked on with creditors...
View ArticleComplete Jeff Gundlach "Fall Of The [BLANK] Empire" Slideshow
Your listened the call, now enjoy the Gundlach slides in the leisure of your own unrehypothecated concrete bunker, 50 feet below sea level. "The decline and fall of the Roman Empire" 2-14-12 JEG...
View ArticleIntroducing The "Paulson Overhang" - Everything Paulson Sold In Q4 Has Soared
The man whose fund is a pale shadow of his once invincible self, especially around the time he could tell Goldman which securities to short for him, with hapless and gullible Euros on the other side...
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