Tea Party Founder Responds To Putin Op-Ed
While we await Obama's response to the Putin NYT op-ed from Wednesday night, the "pen-pal by proxy" pissing contest just got a new contender: the Tea Party's own, and current Heritage foundation...
View ArticleGuest Post: Did Capitalism Fail?
Authored by Roman Frydman and Michael Goldberg, originally posted at Project Syndicate,Until six days before Lehman Brothers collapsed five years ago, the ratings agency Standard & Poor’s...
View ArticleSpot The Lack Of Difference
Still believe in humans buying and selling stocks, influencing the machinations of broad-based equity valuations based on their aggregate (rational, frictionless, technical, fundamental, and infinitely...
View ArticleMarc Faber On Protecting Wealth In The Coming Collapse
Faber begins by noting that "a deflationary bust, whenever it may happen (tomorrow or 10 years), is inevitable; and is the opposite of an increase in prices from inflation." Of course, it is the...
View ArticleUK Bubble Trouble and Chinese Confidence
Follow ZeroHedge in Real-Time on FinancialJuiceBritain has been popping the champagne corks over the economic recovery that has been announced and the bubbly has been flowing. They might want to leave...
View ArticleWhy Banks Failed
Despite Hank Paulson's recent re-emergence basking in the glory of his miracle, the 'too-big-to-fail' problem is bigger and more prone to fail than ever before (M&A dominance, capital cost...
View ArticleEl-Erian: What's Happening To Bonds And Why?
Authored by Mohamed El-Erian, originally posted at PIMCO,To say that bonds are under pressure would be an understatement. Over the last few months, sentiment about fixed income has flipped...
View ArticleThe German Federal Election: The Full Infographic
With the German Federal September 22 elections less than 10 days away, it is once again time to refresh the salient issues. However, while we have done an extensive preview of said event previously,...
View ArticleObama Press Conference On Shipyard Shooting, Lehman Five Year Anniversary In...
What was originally supposed to be Obama's statement on the Lehman five year anniversary is now expected to be a speech focusing on the tragic shooting in the DC shipyards. Watch it live below. We...
View ArticleAMeRiCaN LeHMaN 2013...
. The Law demands that we atone When we take things that we don't own; But leaves the lords and ladies fine Who take things that are yours and mine... Anonymous, circa 1764 .. BLUE SAVAGE 1. BLUE...
View Article"Financial Innovation" Next Stop: China
Last week, we presented a table showing what 26 centuries of global financial innovation, which incidentally is the main reason why the Fed is now stuck in a corner and forced to keep the system from...
View ArticleGold Up In Asia After Summers Exits Fed Race - Dovish Yellen Gold Positive
Today’s AM fix was USD 1,314.75, EUR 984.83 and GBP 825.17 per ounce.Friday’s AM fix was USD 1,308.25, EUR 984.46 and GBP 827.12 per ounce. Gold rose $0.20 or 0.015% Friday, closing at $1,323.20/oz....
View ArticleAll Options Trading Halted, Or Another Day Another Exchange Breaks
Good news: the market's emergency selling preparedness test has been successful:U.S. OPTIONS EXCHANGES RSUMING TRADING AFTER OPRA ISSUEUpdate, as supposedly things are unbroken again:as of 12:51 the...
View ArticleNASDARK Dumps To Red As Options Markets Fail For 12 Minutes
"Summers is out" exuberance appears to have been trumped by "the exchanges are down again" bull$hit. The moment that OPRA data dissemination ceased and exchanges began declaring self-help, the major...
View ArticleItaly Public Debt Will Rise More Than Expected Next Year; Spain Debt Also...
For all complaints about painful, unprecedented (f)austerity, the PIIGS (even those with restructured debt such as Greece) sure have no problems raking up debt at a record pace. Over the weekend,...
View ArticleHilsenrath Spots "The 2016 Problem" Facing The Fed
As we warned here exactly one month ago, the tapering discussion may be merely a "sideshow to a previously undiscussed main event: the Fed's first forecast of 2016 interest rates." Now, the Fed's...
View ArticleGuest Post: Reality Is Breathing Down Bernanke's Neck
Submitted by James Howard Kunstler of Kunstler.com blog, Now that Lawrence Summers has removed himself from consideration as Federal Reserve chairman, President Obama is free to launch him into Syria...
View ArticleJPM's London Whale Fine: At Least $750 Million
What started off as a tempest in a teacup just ended up becoming not only the largest, $6.2 billion prop trading blunder in JPMorgan history, but the latest ligitation headache for Jamie Dimon...
View ArticleHousing Mission Accomplished (?)
To think it only took $3 trillion in bond and MBS purchases by the Fed and a 300% expansion in its balance sheet in five years to "push" housing starts to levels... last seen at every recession bottom...
View ArticleSummer Vacation Is Over: Greek Public Workers Begin Two-Day Strike
The (G)Reekovery, in which unemployment just rose to a new record high, must be so strong that the economy can easily afford another two days of lost output as virtually all public sector workers have...
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