Who's Next? Italy's Monte Paschi Admits To Billions In Deposit Outflows
It appears, given news from Italy today, that European depositors are increasingly coming to the realization that deposits in their local bank are not 'safe' places to put their spare cash, but are in...
View ArticleEurope's Last Green Shoot Is Wilting
Germany, it seems, has had enough with its taxpayers implicitly bearing the burden of the rest of Europe's profligacy as the final solution chosen for Cyprus clearly shows (especially in light of...
View ArticleOn David Stockman's Out-Rage
A few years ago I walked around David Stockman’s backyard. I was admiring his stone walls. We fell into a conversation about rocks and masons. David has a good eye for stone, and he knows the proper...
View ArticleRisk - It's Not Just A Board Game
"The world is a very risky place right now for an investor," is the cautious manner in which Grant Williams (of Things That Make You Go Hhmm infamy) begins this excellent presentation, even though he...
View ArticleBut Isn't Cyprus "Unique"?
Via Citi's Matt King,Cyprus’ significance was always going to stem more from the precedent it created than from its size. In choosing a relatively conventional good bank, bad bank model, the...
View ArticleThe Delicious Winners Of the American Beer War
Wolf Richter www.testosteronepit.com www.amazon.com/author/wolfrichterAmidst all the things in the US economy that aren’t going in the right direction, the debacles, fiascos, and nightmares, is an...
View ArticleCleanest Dirty Shirt Or Just The "Most Hopeful"?
We have shown the endless hockey-stick-like charts of hope that are the coming margin expansion, dramatic earnings growth, and revenue increases(all juxtaposed against the reality of a labor-destroying...
View ArticleThe Seven Broken Taboos Of The Cyprus Deal
Via Barclays,From a European perspective, the list of broken taboos and assumptions continues to grow. It includes:1. EU sovereign debt cannot be restructured: broken by the Greek PSI. 2. Senior bank...
View ArticleHow Cyprus Exposed The Fundamental Flaw Of Fractional Reserve Banking
In the past week much has been written about the emerging distinction between the Cypriot Euro and the currency of the Eurozone proper, even though the two are (or were) identical. The argument goes...
View ArticleIs Fukushima Radiation Causing the Epidemic of Dead and Starving Sea Lions In...
Painting by Jonathan Raddatz Associated Press reports:At island rookeries off the Southern California coast, 45 percent of the pups born in June have died, said Sharon Melin, a wildlife biologist for...
View ArticleGuest Post: How Big Is The 'Bailout' Of Cyprus (Hint: Trick Question)
Authored by Antonis Polemitis and Andreas Kitsios, originally posted at Cyprus.com,Most publications talk about the 10B or 17B Cyprus bailout. Let’s take a pop quiz on the right answer:(a) 17B Euros...
View ArticleCurrency Wars For Dummies
When it comes to global currency warfare, one can read countless books (all of which professing to be the definitive reference guide for a process that started in the... 1930s), or one can fast...
View ArticleGuest Post: Preparing for Inflationary Times
Submitted by Jeff Clark of Casey Research,"All this money printing, massive debt, and reckless deficit spending – and we have 2% inflation? I'm beginning to believe that either the deflationists are...
View ArticleWeimar vs USA: The Fall Of The Second Empire Of Debt
While being distracted by the developments of this insolvent European sovereign or that, coupled with increasingly prevalent episodes of deposit confiscation, is all the rage these days, the...
View ArticleNew Cyprus Business Model: 20% Fee To Move Millions Offshore
After being told that the Cypriot business model was broken, the ever-resilient people of this 'storm in a teacup' island have, by all appearances, taken up their entrepreneurial sickles to make hay...
View ArticleMario Darghi's Headfake is Wearing Off
The EU Crisis went into overdrive in the spring of 2012 when the Spanish banking system as a whole nearly collapsed. Having pumped €1 trillion into EU banks via its LTRO 1 and LTRO 2 programs in...
View ArticleFor Cyprus, The Pain Is Only Just Starting
If the suffering, yet docile, Cypriot serfs thought deposit confiscation would be the end of their problems under the European feudal system, they are about to be shocked. Because as part of their...
View ArticleSpanish Entrepreneurs Solve Europe's Banking Confidence Debacle
We are unsure whether this is the best produced April Fool's Day joke or a real 'new normal' business-plan sprouting from the entrepreneurial ashes of trust-forlorn Europe. No matter which (Monday...
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