I was wondering why he decided to re-explain George Bush's continuing policy on citizen assassinations this week. Then it dawned on me.
Remember the ROBO Settlement announced with great fanfare one month ago? I thought so. That's because it's invisible. Completely invisible. You are allowed to talk about what it could say, announce that it's a done deal and invite the Debt Brother to hold a press conference.
But you can't see it. That's because, according reports being filed by the TBTF banks, it doesn't exist. It's invisible. It only exists in Jackson's imagination. Certainly not the invisible judge who is going to have to approve it once Jackson gets around to scribbling something on the back of a dissappearing napkin.
And that dear friends, is what is called a masterpiece of misdirection: "ROBO Settlement? Let me tell you why we are allowed to assassinate citizens."
Welcome to backroom crony, under the table, shadow de-Mock-racy Obamerikan style.