This is my third post I've done about, the "company" into which mentally-challenged venture capitalists poured $41 million. Good luck on seeing any of that back, fellas.
In my first post, written eleven months ago, I introduced you to the firm and its, errr, product. In a follow-up post, I wrote about how the company - - which I guess found that no one wanted to use their crappy creation, $41 million in the bank notwithstanding - - repositioned themselves with a product that struck me as even less useful.
So why am I bothering with a third post? Two reasons, I guess. First is that I pass by their headquarters at least several times a week, and although one half of their huge office is completely empty, the other half is covered with butcher paper (for privacy? out of shame? Who knows). So I'm reminded of it.
The other reasons is that it really chafes my hide that I started a successful, profitable company for $3,000 (and sold for millions to the benefit of all our investors) and these kids get an enormous eight-figure check dropped in their laps for something which, in my opinion, is destined to produce a return of approximately negative 100%.
Anyway, as continues to be A Solution In Search Of a Problem, they have outdone themselves. Now all their product seems to be able to do is update your Facebook status with a short video (which they bizarrely seem to brag lacks "audio" and "editing", which I figure most people would sort of want). Here in the Valley, this is what we call "A feature, not a product." And certainly not a company.
All the same, if you want to do a feature story on this bubble-funded enterprise, feel free to hop onto their press page. I think they've still got room.