The Ultimate Buy (Votes) Now, Pay Later (with OPM) Presidency
Courtesy of Paul Price
America has never before had a leader who was more willing to spend other people’s money (OPM) to fund his own agenda. By invoking the “Never let a crisis go to waste” doctrine, Obama has embarked, unfettered, on a progression of non-congressionally debated programs.
Each of these programs has gone a long way towards implementing Obama’s vision for our nation. The basic principles revolve around one theme.
Details have varied but the end results point in the same direction. None of this could have happened if the media was not complicit in its adoration and deferential treatment of our newly re-empowered king.
This year’s presidential race employed class warfare as a talking point to an unprecedented extreme. Obama’s campaign hinged on refocusing America’s collective psyche away from four years of a horrible economy. Instead, Democrats directed the media and the public towards simply loathing those who were unusually productive or successful, or who just happened to be members of the ‘lucky sperm’ club.
History will show that the political strategy worked. Obama’s economic policies and a huge slug of working-age Americans didn’t.
The Great Recession was an excuse for more than $4 trillion in new deficit spending during Obama's first term. Yet presidential candidate Obama was outraged G.W. Bush's $9 trillion national debt. President Obama is insulted by any debt limits, even after running up the national debt to north of $16 trillion!
It was easy to get the masses to agree that taxes should be much higher, as long those higher levies would be paid strictly by somebody else.
We are already starting to see the lies concerning the true costs of ObamaCare. Those with decent incomes will now be paying for their own policies plus the costs for another, anonymous family.
College loans? In the old days, students borrowed as little as was necessary. They repaid it quickly to save on interest expense. Today's Federal student loans incentivize borrowing the maximum amount available. They also reward delaying repayment for as long as legally permissible.
Graduates who get jobs deemed ‘good for society’ (like congressional aides) might have their balances written off outright. Others will have them forgiven after 10 – 20 years. The ‘gifts’ come now from a benevolent Obama; the taxpayer burden of loan forgiveness will hit long after Obama's tenure.
The way to eliminate unemployment is to eliminate unemployment insurance. Pay people to stay at home and they will. Extensions in unemployment insurance foster ‘off the books’ work. This keeps more "unemployed" voters indebted to their enablers. Disability eliminates the charade of even looking for work by making things permanent plus adding Medicaid coverage.
Housing subsidies and food stamps give working people a disincentive to earn more. Why bust your ass only to forfeit the ability to live cheaply or free?
Refi’s and Cram-downs steal money from those who made the loans while shifting default risk to those suckers who actually still pay federal income taxes.
The 2% FICA tax holiday funded consumer spending during the two-years prior to presidential election. The $120 billion yearly bill must be made up through increased non-FICA taxation. This shifts the burden further onto the ‘lucky few’ and away from ‘working people’.
If any part of tax relief does not get extended this 2% temporary cut might be sacrificed as it brings in big money and there are no more big elections for two years.
Bernanke’s ZIRP (zero interest rate policy) helps debtors while killing any chance for risk-free returns for savers and investors. ZIRP rewards bad behavior (borrowing) while penalizing good behavior.
If we trained our pets and children that way, we’d get bad dogs and lazy kids. This, however, has become Washington’s standard operating procedure.
Democracy has morphed into, “Two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner.” The voting results will not necessarily be moral, but they will always reflect a solid majority. Those hungry wolves can then correctly claim they had an electoral mandate.
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