Via John Aziz Of Azizonomics blog,
Obama has always claimed to want to spread the wealth around. Yet, as I stressed this June (and in my first ever blog post way back in July 2011!) that’s the exact opposite of what he has achieved.
And it’s getting worse, not better.
Wages-as-a-proportion-of-GDP just hit another all-time low:
And corporate-profits-as-a-proportion-of-GDP just hit another all-time high:
Obama might throw a lot of rhetoric about fighting for the middle class.
But the reality has been the opposite. America today is all about the enrichment of big banks, financial corporations and the military-industrial complex, while the working class has rotted.
The truth of Obama’s policies (and successive administrations prior to Obama) is more concentrated wealth within the financial elites and Wall Street. Banks get bailed out. Campaign donors get stimulus money. And the middle class and future generations pay for it in taxation and the Cantillon Effect.
The Obama reinflation is a rotten bubble built on rotten foundations. Trying to reinflate the economy from a starting debt ratio of over 350% of GDP through crony corporatism and helicopter drops to the rich is an absurd notion that is doomed to abject failure.
And the growing gap between the rich and the poor is steadily beginning to resemble neofeudalism.