(i'm a Soul Man, Sam and Dave)
Comin' to you on a dusty Waziri road
Evil lovin', I got a C-4 Butt Load
And when you get it, you got nothing
So don't worry, 'cause I'm a coming
I'm a drone man, I'm a drone man
I'm a drone man, I'm a drone man, I'll bomb it all
You get what I got the hard way
And I'll make it bigger each and every day
So pajamy jihadi, don't you fret
'Cause you ain't seen nothing yet
I'm a drone man, I'm a drone man, play it General
I'm a Drone man, I'm a Drone man
I was brought up on a Hawaiian street, listen now
I learned how to hula before I could eat
I was educated on choomba weed
When I start a bombin', oh, you can't sleep
I'm a drone man, I'm a drone man
I'm a drone man, I'm a drone man
Well, smoke the hopium and I'll pull you in
Give me the bong and I'll bomb your kin
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm talkin' about a drone man
I'm a drone man, and you're a droned man
I'm a drone man, oh no, drone man
I'm a drone man, and you're a droned man